
There are over 4,00 species of cockroaches in the world. Cockroaches live in a wide range of environments around the world. Pest species adapt readily to a variety of environments, but prefer warm conditions found within buildings.  They carry diseases such as Salmonella, Gastro-enteritis, Typhoid and Dysentery.

For different cockroach images please see – Wiki Commons images

Some of the more common Cockroaches found in the UK:

American Cockroaches

Reddish-brown in colour and prefers dark, humid undisturbed areas.

Size: Adults 28-44mm in length
Areas found: Hotels, hospitals, restaurants, shops, houses
Signs of infestation: Sighting of live cockroaches, dead cockroaches, droppings, smear marks and shed skins, oothecae(egg case)

Australian Cockroaches

The Australian Cockroach is a large reddish brown cockroach with yellow margin round the thorax and yellow edges to front part of fore wings. The antennae are long and the legs are spiky. They are pest in households.

Size: Adults 25-40mm in length.
Areas found: Hotels, hospitals, restaurants, shops, houses
Signs of infestation: Sighting of live cockroaches, dead cockroaches, droppings, smear marks and shed skins, oothecae(egg case)

German Cockroaches

Brown in colour with 2 dark stripes on thorax. They can climb smooth surfaces like glass, using sticky pads on their feet. They prefer wet, humid conditions and tend to be found in kitchens and bathrooms.

Size:  Adults 12-15mm in length
Areas found: Hotels, hospitals, restaurants, houses, drains
Signs of infestation: Sighting of live cockroaches, dead cockroaches,  droppings, smear marks and shed skins, oothecae(egg case)

Oriental Cockroach

Dark brown or black, uniform colour
Can climb a little on rough surfaces, but cannot fly

Size: Adult males being 18–29 mm and adult females being 20–27 mm.
Areas found: Hotels, hospitals, restaurants, houses, drains
Signs of infestation: Sighting of live cockroaches, dead cockroaches,  droppings, smear marks and shed skins, oothecae(egg case)